IFA Orumila Reading - (2023)
Start with Libation by Baba Abitoye
Elders: IyaNifa: Iya Ifa Sayo – Ibu Elemi
Babalawo: Baba Abitoye – Baba Sean
Babalawo: Ifa Yale – Jeff
Babalawo: Solwazi – Okana Di
Babalawo: Bakari – Iwori Yeku
Sunday - February 26, 2023
Present: Madrina, Baba, Adriana, Joanne, Wilmer, Jamie, Shalina, Jeff, Rose, Belinda, Jerome, Altagracia, Triciah, Erika Smalls, Elijah, Tania, Jackie, Bakari, Solwazi, Nick, Bob, Teri, Franklin, Toshiba, Tania, Erica Scipio,Toshiba,Liz, Lois, Natalia, Diana,.
We want to pull out an Odu as a family to reflect on last year and collectively pull out something that will help us open the temple, reflect on our transitions and challenges, and find out what Orunmila has to say about our collective destinies to manifest our best lives and reduce what is not good.
We will read Orunmila today and later this week with Oshun.
Orunmila is giving us a collective vibration and conversation through the reading, so the information will apply to most of us but may manifest with individuals differently.
This is a year we must do ebo early and cannot wait. These eboshave been helpful for every person who has participated, whether remotely or in person. As a community, we need to be timely with our ebos.
This is a year of 3 and Meferefun Oggun.
2023 Odu of the Year Ile Ire Aye: Oyeku PakeOse (IRE)
Ire Dida / Upliftment of Health
Oshun-we must take an offering to Oshun. Ebo must be taken to the river: Honey, gin, palm oil, and obi kola to be taken by the priests (Consult elders prior to doing this)
Obatala- Orisha defending the Ile for the year. Put green and white flag above your door.
Rogation- With two white pigeons to head; ebos must be done within the first 6 months to get the benefit and not to be done at the end of the year.
Offering to Orunmila-
- One goat of which is burnt, breast burnt and given to Orunmila as offering.
- The second goat should be a healthy mature female goat fed to Orisha and to Iyamis. Ile members will eat the breast for health. This is a remedy to dispel breast cancer, illnesses, and other harsh diseases.
Madrina Elemi – Ifa Sayo Speaks:
- This Odu is very strong lucky in Ire
- This Odu speaks of people leaving
- There is a story of the killing of the elephant. Also, speaks of disrespecting elders.
Today is Obatala day, the 8th. After the call, elders must do eboon the board of IFA and feed 3 birds on behalf of ile for doing the reading of the year today. 1-time reading of the year requires this in history of the ile.
Olofi is the sky god and first deity to speak, Eshu, Shango, Iku(spirit of death), Eggun, spirit of the river through Oshumareasking for offerings. Death goes hunting in the land of Olofi. Mountain swallowed the elephant hunted by Iku because no one ever paid tribute to him.
- Be careful with papers and traps.
- A lot of evil eyes (can be giving or receiving).
- May end up moving.
- You are going through bad times and need to work hard to transform that.
- Some may be bored and can wish death upon themselves.
- Work with Eshu and/or get your Eshu checked.
- If you promised something, comply with what was promised.
- If you have a blanket with arrows, bring it to get fed.
- Do not visit anyone who is sick.
- Give thanks to Shango.
- You will receive money.
- If you are in a relationship, there could be another personinvolved.
- Be careful with weapons.
- Odu is speaking to the entire community and people connected to that community. It could be an adult, a child, in your foot, in your liver, etc. Whatever health issues people have, we have ire to uplift but everyone needs to participate in the ebo.
Baba Jeff Speaks:
- Odu is very strong and the second Odu is Oyeku which is all dark.
- All darkness relates to death, not so good for human beings.
- Next Odu in sign is Ose which is number 15. The firstmajor Odu is 1 to 16.
- We are at the beginning of the cycle, which is dark, and coming to the end of the cycle which is light. So we have to be careful with things we think, our association, stay away from the dark side or things that are death related.
- If you think about death, you will meet death.
- The sign speaks of suicide. You can intentionally die or not follow up to a health issue.
- Any health issues and concerns that need to be addressed, must be taken care of immediately. Seek a therapist.
- Odu talks about the remedy for health issues through initiation. Health issues affect you individually but also affect the ile as a whole. One person’s issue can affect the whole community. Elders are here to guide the ile, follow their advice.
Baba Bakari Speaks: Acompanying Odu Oya Kunse. Meferefun Yemaya and Shango.
- This Odu speaks of maintaining your health and mental health and what leads to suicide and shooting yourself in the foot.
- Stay on top of your health and be mindful of environments you put yourself in.
- Lots of backstabbing and treacherous activity in this Odu.
- Be mindful of entering relationships and analyzing them, especially romantic relationships.
- Do ebo so you won’t miss the year and the year will not miss you.
- Acompanying Odu Okana Di talks about detail.
- When we go through hard times, we can get caught up in the struggle and go on a downward spiral. That's why it’s important to get read, cleanse yourself, stay in contact with the community and ile so that you can have guidance, support, and resolution.
- Be on top of your personal ebos and have better foresight and open roads.
- Meferefun Egbe – Heavenly family and loved ones.
Everyone To Do:
Ebo for Egbe - leave 7 pieces of sweet items (bananas, candy, peanuts) by the window, and say prayer to Ifa and ask Egbe to guide you and keep you healthy and prolong your physical life on earth.
For there to be Ire of health, illness is close behind.
Stay on top of rituals and medicine (eastern and western).
- This Odu also speaks about doing ebo before engaging in any business if you want to gain profit.
- There is still a lot of hardship and struggle, so you have to work smart and maintain your ori and persevere to attain your goals.
- “Trust people to be themselves and trust yourself to see them well.” Apply this to all relationships, romantic,family, work etc.
Baba Solwazi Speaks: Odu came with ire or blessings.
- This Odu is a part of the cosmic order of life.
- Orunmila is speaking to us through this Odu that life is a cycle, things come and go, and being so attached to things we do everyday.
- We get attached to things we don’t necessarily need to get attached to.
- This is a year that we have to come to terms with that things will come to an end, could be a business, relationship, etc.
- It’s important to accept that it is a part of life and it’s okay.
- Obatala is bringing the ire and clarity, cleanliness, white cloth, and is closely aligned to life and death.
- Ire is here because there is something we have to overcome.
- Stay away from things that are in excess–to drink, substances, diet, and people we have surrounding us that are negative.
- Our health is in our hands and Ori is important to take care of as well.
- We can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
- Odu talks about paying attention to dreams which might give you messages, blatant or some need to be decoded.
- May speak of death.
- Yemaya is associated with movement and Okana Di and talks about the movement of 7 waters of earth.
- You may travel this year as well.
- Odu is where Yemaya is divining. Show Yemaya respect and reverence.
- Mental Health is important.
- Don't call on negative things or they will come.
Baba Abitoye Speaks: The reason why we don’t want the stronger aspects, including the good ones, is because moderation is important, even with things you love.
- Be ready for good but brace yourself and stay in the middle. Balance (Ejife) is best in your approach or everything in balance is the best approach.
Oyeku Pachiose is called that because there was a farmer who made crops for humans and special foods for Iyami and Oso which cannot be reasoned with. They are a force of nature. They took special liking to this farm and ate from it. One day, Orunmila was divining for himself and this Odu came up. There was a rat infestation at the farm and it was difficult to deal with.The rats are usually a sign of uncleanliness. The farmhandtook it upon himself to put rat poison down and killed a lot of those rats but the rats belonged to Orunmila (who got angry). Iyamis preferred eating the food after rats ate it. The farm hand didn’t know that he was messing with the natural ecosystem of the farm. Iyamis were upset and left and Orunmila was mad and the farm went down quickly.
Message: feast or famine and we need to brace ourselves that our harvest may not be as big as usual. It doesn’t mean it will be bad. Will not necessarily be a banner year. One person’s rodent is another person’s treasure. Be careful not to assume something about something that is not yours or more importantly something that is communal.
- Don’t overreact because something that applies to you may not apply to someone else or vice-versa. Don’t project what is going on with you to others.
- This is Odu of a time where people will encourage you to throw away your Ifa or Orunmila and get in the way of you and your faith. Unfortunately, this can apply to your community, elders, and beliefs.
- Expect that you will be tested by someone to not follow your religion and believe it not to be good and will encourage you not to do ebo and other things.
- Be aware of it and not overreact.
- Sit and pray and meditate with Eggun.
- People are pushed to throw out the baby with the bath water.
- Just because something doesn't give you instant gratification when you do ebo or when you do a prayer. It doesn’t mean that things are not working. You must have patience and things will work out. Fear manifests and scares the spirit of death.
Fear overcame death. Before ire and divine blessing existed, so osogbo didn’t exist either. Ire was represented as a beautiful and demanding woman When she came to earth and looked for suitors and told Oludumare and unless someone came with 200 skulls of sacrifice She was not interested because they are not ruthless enough for her. Ire askes “Why should I give myself (ire) positive blessings abound to someone who is not willing to sacrifice other things to get me?” Iku and Oggun came as suitors–spirit of death and warrior that takes people’s lives. Both of them worked together to get Ire. Ire was down for whatever because she wanted to make sure her personification was given to earth to someone who could handle her. Sometimes you have to go through excrement to get to blessings. If you are afraid to do the hard work, especially on yourself, you will not get ire. A nerd comes up and it’s Orunmila. He doesn’t take heads or sacrifice heads, but the night before and read himself and saw the Odu, he talked to Ifa and realized what had to be done. Orunmila took a long string and strung multiple snail shells on it and when shaken it makes a horrible rattling sound. He was told to bring it with him. Oggun and Iku went off to get to the 200 heads as quickly as possible, but Orunmila just sat there.
Part of the reading included Eshu, who was promised to receive a goat’s head. Orunmila sacrificed a goat and gave intestines to Iyami, and Eshu saw that and realized that he needed to give help to Orunmila. Eshu decided to take care of the one deity that that Iku and Oggun do not want to see. Fear. Without Orunmila knowing, asked fear to scare off Iku and Oggun so that Orunmila can win. The next day fear shows up to scare Ikuand Oggun Fear took the stick that Orunmila had, and started to shake it and chant, and scared Iku or (I’m going to take your spine and feed it to your children). The closer Iku got the louder he heard the chanting. Iku dropped his bag of skulls and ran off. Oggun got close and heard rattling and chanting as well. Oggundropped his bag and ran off too. Orunmila picked up both bags more than 200 skulls and brought it to Ire. Orunmilla and Ire married.The intelligence and patients of Orunmila won her over.
Ornmilla is the witness to destiny and sits with Elegua as the result of the instruction of Olodumare to be the witness of peoples destinys and to give help to people about what is in their path,what is in their best interest,How can they overcome fear.
- The fear of success, the fear of failure the fear of not knowing, fear of knowing too much. Orunmills has a vitalrole in our lives to help interpret our destiny for us. Part of interrupting our destiny is being able to understand to overcome fear because there is so many different things that we are afraid of.
- Sometimes we are afraid to move and become paralyzed.
- This Odu is talking about the importance of overcoming fear and the best way to be able to overcome fear so you don't do anything stupid or that you don't move forward or don't actually follow your destiny . You definitely need to embrace Ifa.
- Sometimes we are so scared we are not seeing the results. We are expecting that our faith will be tested so we have to stay with good character, be patient, not giving up and doing ebo.
- This is the year to get the hand of Orunmila, making Osha, at least get started. You need to be concerned about not following through with commitments to yourself. If your head’s been marked and you’re not trying to make Osha, your destiny will not have time for you and watch the rats come eat up your ire.
- Those of you who have Osha and the hand of Orunmila, get a reading. Check to see if it is time to do an ebo from your personal Odu.
Readings can be done remotely, ebo must be done in person. Do not wait until December. If you have a financial issues with payments please communicate with Baba and Madrina.
The oak tree which gives physical shade to the community positively. But it wasn’t doing enough to recultivate its own roots. Before coming down to earth, the oak tree got a reading and was supposed to do something for Eshu but didn’t. As a result people were very happy with the tree providing shade but as time went on people took the tree for granted The tree went from being very beautiful to being ratty and nasty and people didn’t want to deal with it. At first the tree has a lot of followers and other trees that wanted to be like it in the forest. As the primary oak tree started going downhill in appearance, the other oak trees moved away from the other trees stated asking “Why should I take care of myself if you are not taking care of yourself? ”All the other trees moved away from it. Suddenly the tree lost its luster. This speaks about followers and make sure that if you have people around you, give them a reason to follow you. If you are following someone else make sure people know why you are there. Put sweat equity into things. The more we help each other, the more we receive. Qid pro quo. Be active.
- Be active in your own life, be active in your prayers and actions speak louder than words. Faith with works is dead. Do something and speak up about it. Do not be a bump on a log. We focus on bringing Ire through the systems and methods we know.
- Those of us who have sons be very careful. Watch your sons this year. Sons are susceptible to a lot of trouble, disobedience, not doing well in school, getting in trouble with the law, significant others and living arrangements. Don’t underestimate the fact that you need to check on your sons. Be especially attentive to sons this year. Does not mean to neglect you daughters. Sons need special attention this year.
- Be very careful of envious neighbors and people who are around you who are envious. Don’t overreact to neighbors. Just be aware that all are not going to wish you well.
- Becareful what you share with them and leaving yourself exposed. Don’t be a hermit or xenophobic.
- People covet and when you have blessings, confidence and when you are not full of fear.
- This Odu is big on fear, Fear manifests its self in many different ways, one of them is jealousy. Be aware it will happen to you. Take it as a badge of honor and don't overreact.
- Appreciate what you have and be mindful of what you have. Realize where you stand because the envious person in the room could be you.
- Don’t let this year go by without receiving Olokun. When a person came to earth, he was told he needed to give Eshu a male goat to avoid issues. Person said it was too much and tried to receive Olokun but Olokun didn’t was not interested. The went on through lief and came upon difficulties and got a reading. In the reading the person was told that he needs to give something to Eshu and the brushed it off and asked what else does the reading say. Person found out Olokun had a daughter who was fetching. Person did ebo to receive daughter and not the ebo for Eshu. Daughter was not interested. Eshu was in her ear and telling her stay away from the person because he was not following through with his commitments. The person did appologize. Olokuns daughter and gave ebo to Eshu. The couple eventually got married. We cannot forget Eshu in whatever we do.
- We must show effort to communicate.
- Sometimes we may have to over-communicate if they are not understanding or hearing you.
- Make sure you don’t ignore what other people need to do to add value to your life.
- In romantic relationships communicate with them for what they need to do before you go and give them what they want. (insurance, ring, child support)
- You have to find balance because you will be the one left holding the bag.
- Don’t ignore important things that you need for your life, especially those coming from other people.
- Do not try only herb or essential oil on your way to good health. You must seek professional advice! Use both practices to attain health.
Taboos for This Year: No hospital visits, funerals and wakes.Stay away from dark thoughts, works, people, places and actions. Don’t entertain divisive information. All precautions from this Odu should be considered taboos. Speak to a therapist and use phone apps if you want (Better Help App and TalkspaceApp).
Try to stay as spiritually clean as possible. If someone is ill you want to reduce your interaction where you can absorb energy from others. Hospitals have their purpose, you want to reduce the absorption for those vibrations if you have to go. Try to avoid funerals at all cost.
Sunday - February 26, 2023
Annual Ifa-Orumila, Ile Ebo will be performed for everyone.
Each participating person’s Warrior Orishas and Orumila (Kofaand Awofaka) will be fed as a compliment included in the donation amount.
Deposits are non-refundable and must be made by Tuesday, February 14, 2023, to hold your spot and be counted for participation.
Donation Deposit: $200 minimum must be given by Tuesday, February 14, 2023.
All must be given in full on or before Friday, February 24, 2023
Unless individual arrangements are made.
Cashapp: $Elemi
Paypal: vendors@yeyeo.com
Venmo: SeanGayle
Yeyeo Service Deposit Page: https://www.yeyeo.com/products/service-deposit
Contact Madrina if you need other arrangements
IMPORTANT NOTE: Feeding the Warriors is a compliment not a requirement for anyone for this reading of the year or at all. As per Ifa Sayo – Madrina, this is a courtesy that Orisha requests should be done by each person annually so it is included in this ceremony.
The donation amount will include feeding the warriors, so there is no additional cost.
Let us be blessed and in favor of all that is Divine.
Ashe Ase Ase.
Aboru Aboye Abosesi