Morning Prayer
Morning Prayer
Morning prayer is very important because it allows you to start your day focused on what you need to accomplish and it’s always important to simply give thanks for everything you have in your life thus far.
1. Greet and give Reverance to Olodumare, Ori, Irunmole, Orisa, and Egun.
2. Thank them for everything that you have in your life thus far.
3. Ask that you be forgiven for: things you’ve purposely done to others and things you’ve done without being conscious of their effects on others. Also ask for the forgiveness of those who have hurt you or your loved ones and those ancestors who have done terrible things from which you now may be paying the price for.
5. Ask for things that you or others may need.
6. End your morning prayer by chanting or reciting prayers to the Ancestors and or Ori.
Ase O!!!